The College of Agriculture is the most diverse academic unit at the Sokoine University of Agriculture which started as the Faculty of Agriculture in 1970 with the mission of contributing towards transformation of the agricultural sector through provision of quality education, research, outreach and advisory services to the society
Learn MoreThe College of Agriculture offers one (1) Diploma programme, eleven (11) BSc. Degree Programmes, nine (9) MSc. Degree Programmes and PhD’s in the field of Agriculture hence making the College of Agriculture one of the largest technical training institutions in the fields of Agriculture in the region i.e. East, Central and Southern Africa.
Learn MoreThe College of Agriculture is a home for over 5000 students and over 250 members of staff. It boasts 140 academic members of staff, among them 50 are highly competent senior academic members of staff in the ranks of Senior Lecturers, Associate Professors and Professors.
Learn MoreWe strive to enhance quality outputs in teaching, research, outreach, extension services, consultancy as well as production and development of value chains in the area of Agricultural Extension, Community Development, Animal health and production, Aquaculture, Range Sciences, Crop Science, Seed Technology, Horticulture, Human Nutrition, Consumer Sciences, Soil Sciences, Geological Sciences and Agro – Ecology
The College of Agriculture houses six Departments namely Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development (DAECD), Department of Animal, Aquaculture and Range Sciences (DAARS), Department of Crop Science and Horticulture (DCSH), Department of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences (DHNCS), Department of Soil and Geological Sciences (DSGS) and the SUA Model Training Farm (MTF)
The College of Agriculture (CoA) through its network of re-searchers and training staff has links and has technically supported various regional research networks and through teaching, has supported initiation of various postgraduate degree programs in the SADC region