A total of 149 graduates have been awarded the Bachelor’s Degree, Diploma, and Certificate of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during the 37th Mid-Year Graduation ceremony which took place on Friday, May 28th, 2021 at the SUA Main Campus Sports Grounds from around 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. https://www.sua.ac.tz/news/sua-awards-149-degrees-diplomas-and-certificates-very-first-mid-year-graduationRead More
This is to inform you that the latest issue of TAJAS Vol. 19, Issue No. 2 of December 2020 with 17 research articles is now published online. It can be accessed at https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjagsRead More
On 26th March 2021, the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development received a certificate of recognition. The certificate was proudly granted to the department in recognition of Corporate membership to the Community Development Professional’s Association of Tanzania (CODEPATA). CODEPATA held its 4th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the Community Development Professional Association of Tanzania from...Read More
Uhakika wa ajira imekuwa ni changamoto kubwa inayowakabili vijana wengi wanaohitimu kwenye vyuo vikuu mbalimbali hapa nchini. Hatua hiyo imekuwa ikipelekea wahitimu wengi kuzunguka huku na kule wakiwa pamoja na bahasha zao kusaka ajira huku wengine wakifuatilia nafasi za kazi kwenye magazeti ya kila siku kuona iwapo wanaweza kubahatisha kwenye matangazo hayo yanyowekwa kwenye machapisho...Read More
This is to inform you that TAJAS Vol.18 No.2 of December 2019 is published online. It can be accessed at https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjags/issue/view/18899Read More
The Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences (TAJAS) will celebrate 22 years of existence in June 2020. The idea of forming TAJAS was envisaged in 1997 and the first issue of TAJAS was published in June 1998. As we are celebrating this achievement, we welcome you to browse through our various editions at African Journals Online...Read More
The Vice Chancellor of SUA Prof Raphael Chibunda appointed Prof Bernard Chove to serves as Acting Principal of College of Agriculture starting May 1st 2020. This followed appointment of Prof. Maulid Mwatawala as the Acting Vice Chancellor (Academic) at SUA. The short handing over session took over on May 7th, in the office of the...Read More
The development of the MTF continued with expansion of production plots at the Main Gate Unit. Sugarcane, citrus and oil palm plots have been expanded. A section for ornamentals is under establishment. The MTF is also in the process of establishing fish hatchery section at Magadu Animal Unit, that will serve as a supply point...Read More
On Tuesday 18th February 2020, SUA Management visited Farm For the Future (FFF) headquaters at Ilula, Kilolo District, Iringa. The Principal of College of Agriculture joined the SUA team under leadership of Vice Chancellor Prof Raphael Chibunda. The SUA team was composed of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Prof Peter Gillah; Director of Postgraduate studeis Research...Read More
On Tuesday 11th February 2020, the Project Manager and Chairperson of the Iringa based Farm For the Future (FFF) Mr Osmund Ueland visited SUA Model Training Farm’s Main gate and Magadu sections. He was accompanied by Farm Manager Ms Grace Kimonge and Mr Dickson Deodatus. earlier the FFF team, met SUA management under the Vice...Read More