Field Practical Training is an integral part of the degree courses offered by the College of Agriculture (CoA) at SUA. It provides opportunity for students to merge theory and practice by offering ‘real life’ situations for learning which cannot be simulated in lecture rooms, laboratories or departmental workshops at SUA. Among the major aims of FPT...Read More
Field Practical Training is an integral part of the degree courses offered by the College of Agriculture (CoA) at SUA. It provides opportunity for students to merge theory and practice by offering ‘real life’ situations for learning which cannot be simulated in lecture rooms, laboratories or departmental workshops at SUA. Among the major aims of...Read More
Mamlaka ya udhibiti wa afya ya mimea na viuatilifu (TPHPA) kwa kushirikiana na umoja wa wanafunzi wanaosoma kilimo (TAUSA) katika chuo kikuu cha kilimo SUA waliandaa mafunzo maalum ya kitaaluma kwa wanafunzi wa ndaki ya kilimo kuanzia tarehe 20/2 hadi tarehe 26/2/2023.Jumla ya washiriki 142 kutoka shahada za awali za Horticulture, Agronomy, Extension ,Crop...Read More
The Department of Crop science and Horticulture (DCSH) would like to invite you all to attend Research result based seminar presentation to be held on 9th March,2023 as indicated in below; VENUE: HORTICULTURE (HORT1 HALL) , TIME 10:00 AM 1.Name of student:Anitha Christian-Msc Research title:Harvest Stage and Postharvest handling approaches to enhance quality of pepper...Read More
DCSH welcome all first year at the Department It is a privileges’ to be class of 2022/2025.During your stay at the University it is important to have someone who will guide your career pathways. Below attached find names of your academic advisor. It is important to make an official appointment and meet with your advisor...Read More
The Department of Crop Science and Horticulture would like to invite you to attend presentation for Ph.D. research result and proposals. DATE: 11-1-2023, TIME 10:00 AM, VENUE: Crop Science LB2Read More
On 8th December 2022, DCSH hosted its end-of-year get-together party at SUASA CLUB in Edward Moringe Campus. The aim was to celebrate the annual achievement of the academic year 2021/2022 and bring together all academician and supporting staff. The Head of Department, Dr. Abdul Kudra also invited other guests from other departments...Read More
In the line with other University organs, Department should have committee which link up with College and other University organs. The Department has appointed the Leadership of Departmental Committees as per an attached document. Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. —John F. KennedyRead More
BSc Horticulture ,Bsc Agriculture general and Bachelor of Crop production and management third-year students find the attached document for Research project I and II supervision for academic year 2022/2023. It is advised to form a group of all students and choose a leader, make an official appointment with your supervisor, and meet him/her in a...Read More
Note: These are Provisional results. All students are advised to see their final approved results by the senate. CPM_1.2_Semester_results CPM_1.3_Academic_unit_results CPM_2.2_Semester_results CPM_2.3_ Academic unit_resultsRead More