Welcome back to the new academic year!!!!!! Kindly find attached a list of names with Academic supervisors for research projects. It is advised that you start working as early as possible and see your advisor before you start developing a proposal. In case your name does not appear in the list please find Dr.KILASI...Read More
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Kindly find the attached document with the list of graduants for Bsc. Agriculture general and Horticulture 2019, Department of Crop Science and Horticulture. “You did it, even when you didn’t feel like studying – you did it. Congratulations!” Kate Summers. BSC AGRIC GENERAL BSC HORTICULTURERead More
Sokoine University of Agriculture through Centre of Information and computer technology (CICT) conducted short training on 22, October 2019 on how to use new plagiarism check software called TURNITIN. This training was meant for postgraduate students at the university in order to help students when writing their proposal, concept notes, thesis, dissertation and papers for...Read More
ANNOUNCEMENT Kindly find the attached document with the names of students who have registered in SUASIS for FPT I (CS-1), (CS-2) for agriculture general year 2 and 3 respectively ,and FPT II (HT -1 AND HT II for horticulture year 2 and 3. If your name is not in the list below kindly register your...Read More
Find the attached document with a list of graduands for Bsc. Agriculture general and Horticulture. For students of past years, who have cleared their courses but their names did not appear in this list are advised to communicate with the Department examination office in order to include them in the final version before 24th October...Read More
Department of Crop Science and Horticulture(DCSH) is proud to be part of this race towards agriculture sector improvements. Graduate Training for Skills Development, Sustainable Employment and Jobs Creation in the Agricultural Sector in Tanzania is a program implemented by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) funded by the Skills Development Fund. The program is monitored by...Read More
Exams are around the corner,get prepared. Find the link below to download Probation Examination Timetable which will start on Monday 23rd,September,2019.Remember to abide with all the Rules,Regulations and Laws for University Examination as per SUA guidelines. Wishing you best of the best this time. GOODLUCK!!!!!!!! BSc.HORTICULTURE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 BSc.AGRICULTURE GENERAL...Read More
Sokoine University of Agriculture through Department of Crop science and Horticulture would like to invite qualified applicant to apply for a short course on Horticultural plant propagation.The course will take place at SUA MOROGORO from 16th-20th,September,2019.Deadline for application submission will be 15th,September.2019. Click here to download Read More