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The closure of Sokoine Memorial week celebrations at SUA on 27th May 2021 was graced by His Excellence Dr. Philip Mpango, the Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT), following a warm gesture of welcome from Hon. Prof. Joyce Ndalichako (MP), the Minister for Education Science and Technology. Prof. Ndalichako emphasized the significant role that SUA is playing to Tanzania and the world at large in honor of the former Prime Minister of the URT. She also insisted on the importance and significance of research and innovations that were showcased during memorial week.

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His Excellency Dr. Philip Mpango, the Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT).

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  Hon. Prof. Joyce Ndalichako (MP), the Minister for Education Science and Technology.

The Minister’s remarks were preceded by the Vice Chancellor’s speech, Prof. Raphael Chibunda’s speech that detailed the connections between SUA and Hon. Edward Sokoine. He explained in detail to why the event was being celebrated. The Department of Crop Science and Horticulture (DCSH) showcased various innovations. The innovations included but not limited to the high-yielding and disease-resistant banana variety (FHIA 17), an early maturing rice variety (Mwangaza), mobile plant disease diagnostic laboratory, and grafted/budded fruit seedlings. These innovations attracted most attendants to the DCSH pavilion.

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If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done. -Thomas Jefferson


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