On 8th December 2022, DCSH hosted its end-of-year get-together party at SUASA CLUB in Edward Moringe Campus. The aim was to celebrate the annual achievement of the academic year 2021/2022 and bring together all academician and supporting staff. The Head of Department, Dr. Abdul Kudra also invited other guests from other departments within the College of Agriculture. We sincerely appreciate the presence of Ms Josephine Lwiza (Senior Human Resource Officer) at the College of Agriculture, and Prof.Antony Sangeda, Head of the Department of Animal Science, Aquaculture and Range Sciences (DAARS), for joining us during the party.
The staff had a fun time together, celebrating: pop champagne, slicing the yummy cake, eating, drinking and dancing. At the event, our HoD (Dr Kudra) had an opportunity to welcome and introduce new staff to the Department. We sincerely welcome the following staff at our department;
1. Jenipher Tairo
2. Nuru Kipato
3. Abel Jonathan
4. Veronica Rhonho
5. Lucas Masinde
6. Emmanuel Nkuwi
7. Dr. Beatrice Mwaipopo
Life is a celebration. So go ahead, throw that party!!
“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.” – Nelson Mandela