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DCSH Sports Bonanza was held on 7th February 2021 to strengthen the social bond between the Department of Crop Science and the Department of Soil and Geological  Science. The Bonanza was sponsored by a betting company WIN PRINCESS. We are grateful to our sponsors and we appreciate their contribution to sports and fitness to the youths.

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Various games were performed such as football, volleyball, and rope pulling game. Ladies from BSc. Agriculture general won against BSc.Horticulture in the rope pulling game. In the football game BSc.Agriculture general lost the game to BSc.Agronomy by accepting 4-2 goals scores.On the other game BSc.Agriculture general and BSc.Horticulture drew in the match by a 1-1 goal score. Lastly, the match between BSc.Horticulture and BSc.Agronomy ended up by BSc.Horticulture lost to BSc.Agronomy by 2-0 goals scores making the guest team BSc.Agronomy the WINNER.


Ladies from BSc.Agriculture general before the match, they WON against BSc.Horticulture.

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Some funny photos after the bonanza.


 “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” – Dean Karnazes

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