Deadline: 20 th June 2021



The project

“Evidence-based Scaling of Improved On-Farm Storage among Smallholders in Tanzania” (Evidence-based Scaling Up) is a collaborative project between the University of Zurich (Universität Zürich; UZH) (leading institution), ETH Zürich (ISTP), Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), and Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania. The project is financially supported by “Liechtensteinischer Entwicklungsdienst” (LED), and a private charitable foundation.

The project aims at sustainable improvement of food security and income of Smallholder farming households in Tanzania through the adoption of hermetic on-farm grain storage. The project builds on the first project phase (2017-2020), which analysed (i) whether and by how much improved on-farm grain storage can reduce seasonal food insecurity for smallholder farming households and (ii) reduce seasonal food price fluctuations in local markets. 

Phase II of the project (2021-2024) will focus on developing pathways to effectively and efficiently promote the adoption of hermetic storage among smallholder farmers in selected regions of Tanzania. The project also aims to analyse potential frictions that hinder smallholder farming households to invest in hermetic storage, including what kind of policies could be implemented to support the adoption of hermetic storage in ways that support rather than interfere with private sector-led efforts. A deeper understanding of smallholders’ risk perception related to an investment in hermetic, along with an experimental analysis of ways that can help to build trust in the technology complements the research goals of the project.  

Within this framework, the project Evidence-based Scaling Up Invites application for a three years PhD scholarship (2021 – April 2023)

The project intends to recruit one PhD students between May, 2021 and December 2023. The PhD student shall be required to help in implementing the participatory field experiments, where different approaches to further the adoption of hermetic storage are tested. The candidate is expected to contribute to preparing and disseminating the results of the research such that insights are used to advocate for policy change or inform programmatic approaches by the private sector and development actors. Specifically, the PhD student will be required to;

  • Help in generating baseline socio-economic information on the project participants, including hermetic storage use,
  • Assist in analysing the effectiveness of different approaches to increase the adoption of hermetic storage (including the deferred payment system and VAT exemption),
  • Assist in the assessment of the socio-economic impact of hermetic storage adoption,
  • Assist in determining the potential economic and health benefits of hermetic storage among smallholders farming communities in the project intervention areas,
  • Support the project consortium in their fieldwork.

The candidate is free, and highly encouraged to suggest additional topics for further research that are relevant for successful completion of the PhD thesis.

Applications from qualified and interested Tanzanians are hereby invited to fill the PhD position in the field specified above. The scholarships will ONLY be considered for applicants who have secured admission or submitted an application for admission into PhD programmes at SUA. The applicant should possess a master of science (MSc.) in Crop Science, MSc. in Agricultural and Applied Economics, Masters in Agriculture Education and Extension or related agriculture-based MSc. degrees with a GPA of ≥3.5 from a reputable university. The applicant must be not older than 45yrs of age at the time this position is applied.

In order to qualify for the scholarship position consideration, you should:

  1. Apply for admission into PhD programme at Sokoine University of Agriculture. Information on procedure and admission requirements is available on SUA website at For those who have already applied for admission OR those who were offered admission during the last academic year (2019/2020) should NOT apply again but submit evidence of application/admission with their letters when applying for the scholarship;
  2. Submit your application letter for scholarship consideration to Dr. Ramadhani Majubwa ( of SUA and copy to the Director, Directorate of postgraduate studies, research, technology transfer and consultancy (

The letter should be accompanied by evidence of submission of application for admission into PhD programme OR letter of admission into PhD programme at SUA that is still active. The applicant MUST also submit his/her curriculum vitae, and a motivation letter scanned copies of transcripts and certificates from recognized Universities. 

The deadline for scholarship application is at midnight (0:00hrs) 20th June 2021. Only shortlisted applicants for a PhD will be invited for an interview.


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