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It was our pleasure to welcome postgraduate students at DCSH for the academic year 2020/2021.

Dr. Richard R.Madege, the Chairman-DCSH postgraduate studies committee, held a short orientation meeting with new postgraduate students in order to elaborate on regulations and guidelines governing the conduct of postgraduate studies at SUA. Although much more prospective master students are expected, on the orientation day, twelve students were present; 10 students taking master degree in Crop Science (various specializations; Agronomy, Crop Protection, Horticulture, and Plant breeding) and two of them taking the newly launched Master degree program in Seed Technology and Business.



Minimum credit hours based on UQF curriculum, core, mandatory and elective courses, 60% pass mark among others, were elaborated. In relation to research leading to a dissertation of a master degree at SUA students were asked to note that, they will have to deliver four seminar presentations in the following order; 1 as a research proposal, 2 results based and 1 as a public defender after the thesis is examined with recommendation “AWARD A DEGREE”.

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It was also highlighted that, it is a requirement to submit a dissertation together with a certificate of plagiarism check (<30% limit). Furthermore, students were encouraged to choose published or publishable papers category of the dissertation so that they will be in line with current TCU and SUA guidelines. That will enforce to conduct good quality research leading to at least two publications. In developing their proposals and dissertations, students were asked to observe SUA postgraduate studies rules and regulations (2018), guidelines for developing proposals and dissertations/thesis (2008), and those who would choose online training to observed rules and regulations for on-line training (2020).


Students acknowledged that the orientation messages were very instrumental in their life as postgraduate students at SUA.

 “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin



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