The Department of Crop science and Horticulture (DCSH) would like to invite you all to attend Research result based seminar presentation to be held on 9th March,2023 as indicated in below;
1.Name of student:Anitha Christian-Msc
Research title:Harvest Stage and Postharvest handling approaches to enhance quality of pepper (Pepper nigrum L.) in Morogoro District.
Supervisors:Dr. Majubwa, R. O, Dr. Mtui, D. H
Discussants:Dr. Yasinta Nzogela, Y B and Prof. Maerere
2.Name of student: Constantine John -PhD
Research title:Agroecological practices for increased productivity of cassava- maize based systems: A case study of Mvomero and Masasi Districts in Tanzania.
Supervisors:Prof. Sibuga, K. P, Dr. Shitindi, M,Dr.. A. Hilbeck
Discussants: Dr.Majubwa, R.O and Dr. Njau, P
3.Name of student: Erick Nduwarugira-PhD
Research title:Identification of key Agronomic traits among the local common bean germplasm accessions in Burundi using genomic wide association.
Supervisors: Prof. Nchimbi Msolla, S, Prof. Paul Kusolwa ,Tshale Mammo Assefa and Clare Mugisha Mukankus
Discussants: Prof. Kusolwa, P. and Dr. Tryphone, G
“Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.”
– Albert Szent-Györgyi
Szent-Györgyi (1893-1986) was a Hungarian pharmacologist known for his work on vitamins and oxidation. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937.