On the 25 th May 2023 His Excellency the Chancellor of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Hon. (Rrd Judge &  Former PM of the United Republic of Tanzania) Joseph Sinde Warioba conferred degree and non-degree to a total of 274 graduates (Ph.D., Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Certificates). The mid-year graduation was held at Edward Moringe grounds of the Sokoine University of Agriculture attended by various guests from within and outside the University.

Academic members (ladies) of staff

A total of five students graduated with a Master of Crop Science in various specializations, seven with a Bachelor of Science Agriculture General and thirty-six with a Bachelor of Science Horticulture . We congratulate all the graduates and wish them the best in their new phase of life. We urge them to call again for further studies at the Department of Crop Science and Horticulture.

Some member of academic staff in a group photo

BSc.Horticulture students


Some staff members from DCSH
Some of our graduates celebrating their milestones

“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”Martin Luther King Jr.

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