September 1, 2023


Dr. Athman Kyaruzi Ahmad , Kenneth M. Mapunda, and Prof. Dismas Lyegendili Mwaseba have published an article titled, “Strengthening Extension and Advisory Services Delivery through Village Knowledge Centre in Rungwe District, Tanzania: Lessons Learned from InnovAfrica Project”.   The abstract of the article is, “Albeit its critical role in the development of the agriculture sector,...
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The Department would like to congratulate  Dr. Kyaruzi for publishing an article chapter titled, “Do Project Exit Practices Align with Established Theories? A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Selected Agriculture-Related Donor-Supported Projects in Tanzania” The abstract of the article is as follows: To address the challenge of ensuring project sustainability, the utilization of well-defined exit strategies...
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The Department would like to congratulate  Prof. C.P. Msuya and Dr. R. Madaha for publishing an article titled, “Factors Influencing the Level of Water Access for Livestock in Semi-Arid Areas of Monduli District, Tanzania” The abstract of the article is as follows: Abstract Access to water by livestock is critical for their growth, reproduction and...
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