Photo:The current Chairperson of TSAEE, Prof. Catherine Msuya (on your left), with the founding members of TSAEE
What is TSAEE
The Tanzania Society of Agricultural Education and Extension (TSAEE) is the Professional Association registered in 1984 with registration number SO. 6471.
TSAEE Office
The Headquarters of TSAEE is located at the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development, College of Agriculture, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Morogoro, Tanzania.
Aim of TSAEE
The aim of the Society is to promote professionalism among agricultural extension professionals. As a professional association, TSAEE shall endeavour to network with other like-minded professional forums and societies.
Objectives of TSAEE
1. To provide a common forum for extensionists, researchers, agricultural trainers, extension service providers, farmers, and other agricultural change agents for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and research findings;
2. To promote interest in the use of appropriate agricultural innovations for increased agricultural production and productivity to enhance economic development;
3. To liaise and /or affiliate with like-minded societies in and outside Tanzania including those in the fields of agricultural extension, community/rural development, and related fields;
4. To promote practical application of research findings and disseminate knowledge and skills in the field of agricultural extension and rural development;
5. To influence the formulation of sound policies and curricula for effective implementation of agricultural development interventions in the country;
6. To safeguard professional integrity;
7. To advise the Government and the private sector on matters pertaining to promotion, motivation and working environment of extension officers and other related change agents;
8. To influence policymakers through research, advocacy, lobbying and mobilization of resources for enhanced delivery of extension services.
Types of members:
Ordinary members
Individuals engaged in extension profession and provision of extension services in the various technical areas such as crops, livestock, fisheries, agricultural training, forestry, community/rural development and related fields.
Associate members
Students, in universities or any other training institutions pursuing studies in the field of agricultural extension
Honorary members
Persons, who in the opinion of the EXCO shall contribute to the attainment of the aim and objectives of the Society, The AGM will approve the membership of honorary members.
Eligibility of membership
Ordinary members
1. Payment of membership registration (registration) fees. Currently it is TShs. 30,000/=;
2. Payment of annual subscription fees and other financial contributions as approved by the AGM. Currently it is TShs. 20,000/=;
3. Attendance in the society meetings;
4. Readiness, willingness and ability to contribute positively toward the realization of the aim and objectives of the Society.
Associate members
1. Payment of membership registration (registration) fees. Currently it is TShs. 30,000/=;
2. Payment of annual subscription fees. Currently it is TShs.20,000/=;
3. Attendance in the society meetings;
4. Readiness, willingness and ability to contribute positively toward the realization of the aim and objectives of the Society.
N.B An associate member shall not be eligible for election to the EXCO
Honorary members
1. A person who has made an outstanding contribution in the provision of extension services in any of the fields of crops, livestock, fisheries, agricultural training, forestry, rural/community development, and related fields;
2. He/she is willing and able to participate effectively to further the aim and objectives of the Society;
3. He/she shall not be obliged to pay entry and subscription fees but may, at his/her will, make financial contributions, as he/she feels fit.
N.B The honorary member shall not be eligible for election to the EXCO.
Payment details:
The Society has a bank account where all payments shall be directed to. Once the payments have been effected the deposit slip should be scanned and sent to the Treasurer for record-keeping purpose. The followings are the bank details:
Bank name: CRDB Bank
Account name: Tanzania Society of Agricultural Education and Extension
Account number: 0152458023500
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM involving all paid -up members of the Society shall be organize once a year to transact ordinary business of the society. The date, venue and agenda for AGM shall be determined by the EXCO.
Leadership of the Society
The Chairperson: Prof. Catherine Phillip Msuya
The Vice-Chairperson: Dr. Sizya Lugeye
The Secretary: Dr. Joshua Samuel Kidudu
The Deputy Secretary: Mr. Jamhuri Masha
The Treasurer: Dr. Rosalia Rwegasira
General Inquiries
Tanzania Society of Agricultural Education and Extension (TSAEE)
P. O. Box 3002, Chuo Kikuu, SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania; E-mail:; Cell number 0754247945 and 0787645330.
The Executive Committee (EXCO)
The TSAEE secretary, Dr. Joshua Kidudu, Cell no. 0754247945, email address
The Deputy Secretary, Mr. Jamhuri Masha, 0787280252