Agricultural Marketing Management

  2. Course Aim

The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to basic concepts and approaches in marketing of agricultural products in the context of Tanzania and the region.


  • Course Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course students should be able to:

  • describe agricultural market dynamics and their application to economic development
  • apply knowledge and skills acquired to assess market performances
  • use research results to make informed decision in marketing field
  • apply marketing knowledge and skills to address challenges in marketing of agricultural commodities 

iv.    Subject status:



v.      Credit rating:

8 Credits


vi.    Total hours Spent:

80 hours










Independent study





Pre-Requisite: AEA 101

  • Course Content

Market and marketing defined; the agricultural marketing concept; Marketing functions; constraints facing marketing systems in developing countries; marketing institution and channels of distribution (Typology of marketing agents); scanning market environment; marketing strategy planning (target segmentation and marketing mix – 7Ps of the marketing system); condition of perfect competitive market; agricultural marketing efficiency concepts and measurements (technical; operational; exchange/pricing efficiency; structure-conduct-performance model; costs; margins and returns in agricultural marketing); value chain concept; Market research and information system; direct and online marketing. The role of Co-operatives in marketing of agricultural products for smallholder farmers; Typology of cooperative organizations (producers; marketing; consumer; saving and credit cooperatives; difference between cooperatives and corporations; procedure for establishing a co-operative; history of cooperative movements; challenges facing agricultural cooperatives; the role of crop boards; cyclical price fluctuations in agricultural marketing (Cobweb model); warehouse receipt system and commodity exchange concepts; agricultural insurance schemes; Case studies in agricultural marketing.

  • Teaching and Learning Activities

Lectures, guided personal reading, guest speakers, exercises, discussions, case studies and assignments 

  1. Assessment Methods

There will be several assignments and two tests by the end of the course followed by the University Examination (UE). 


  1. Reading List:

Bailey, N. and Jayson, L. (2007). Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis Prentice Hall

Gabagambi, D. M. (2010). Basic Marketing Concepts for Agribusiness Students. Teaching Compendium for Undergraduate Course in Agricultural Marketing. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, SUA. (Unpublished). Pp 131

George, J. Seperich, M. W., Woolverton, J. B. (1994). Introduction to Agribusiness Marketing. Prentice Hall

Kotler, P. (1999). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control. Prentice Hall

Richard, L. K, and Joseph N. U. (2001). Marketing of Agricultural Products (9th ed.). Prentice Hall.

Ronald, A. S. (2000). Economics of Agricultural Markets. Prentice Hall

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