Information and Communication Management for Agricultural Professionals

  2. Course Aim
  • iii. Course Expected Learning outcomes:

By the end of the course students should be able to:

  • Apply the skills of information and communication management.
  1. Course status: Core
  2. Credit rating: 9 Credits
  3. Total hours spent: 90 hours

                                    Lecture                                    27 hours

Seminars/Tutorials                   9 hours

Practical                                  36 hours

Assignment                             9 hours

Independent Research                        9 hours

Prerequisite:  CIT 100

  • vii. Course Content:

Basic concepts in agricultural information and communication management; Agricultural information resources and services: online databases, open access resources and other Internet resources and services. Digital information literacy for agricultural professionals: features of digital resources, identifying and defining information needs, information seeking strategies in electronic information environment, selecting and evaluating electronic information resources, organising and restructuring electronic information, communicating findings, and evaluating one’s work; Advances end-computing skills and tools: development of databases for personal information management, knowledge management tools for professionals in agriculture; Advanced Internet skills: search strategies, search engines, evaluation of Internet resources; Web publishing: developments and using websites for publishing; computer applications for agricultural information and knowledge communication; Information ethics.


Practicals will be conducted on selected topics.

  • Teaching and learning activities

Teaching activities

Teaching activities will involve lectures, tutorials and field work practical.

Learning activities

Learning activities will involve performing take home assignments, seminar presentations and independent reading. Students will be encouraged to do independent study by reading relevant reference books, teaching manuals, scientific papers and other learning materials.


  1. Assessment methods:

A variety of coursework assessments will be done and these include take home assignments, tutorials, seminar presentations and practical reports. There shall be written theory and practical tests given at appropriate time during the semester. In addition, there shall be an end of semester University examination.


  1. Reading List:

Axinn, G. and Axinn, N. (1997).Collaboration in International Rural Development Planning: A Practioner’s Handbook. SAGE Publications: London. 336 pp.

Chambers Robert (1983).Rural Development: Putting the Last First. Longman Scientific & Technical: Essex. 246pp

Chewe, S.C. and Denmark, R.A. (1966).The Underdevelopment of Development. Sage Publications Ltd: London.

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