The Department would like to congratulate Dr. Emma for concluding her postgraduate assignment entitled “Visualizing the future – charting pathways for sustainable development with participatory art and scenario thinking”at the Department.
The project aimed at combining and developing methods of participatory art and scenario thinking to generate viable future visions, and a range of pathways for development. She has also developed visions in the Swedish context of farming and carbon sequestration, and continued to focus on how to scale up agroecological initiatives in Tanzania. The ultimate purpose of using art in the scenario process is to create viable development pathways based on local concerns and aspirations, and as a communication tool for presenting challenges and opportunities under different futures. The members of the department commits to continue collaborating with Dr. Emma on future assignments including research. You can learn more about her and her work at [click here]. Dr. Emma was under the supervision of Prof Dismas Mwaseba.