i. Course Title: EE 206- Programme Planning and Evaluation
ii. Course Aim: to enable students to acquire foundational skills for engaging in e Programme Planning and Evaluation
iii. Course Expected Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
• Interpret a body of knowledge related to programme planning and evaluation processes.
• Undertake situation analysis of various rural and urban communities
• Conduct needs assessment and social impact assessment of extension and agricultural programmes.
• Formulate evidence-based plans of action
• Evaluate different planning models
iv. Course status: Core
v. Credit rating: 9 Credits
vi. Total hours Spent: 90 hours
Lecture 36 hours
Seminars/Tutorials 18 hours
Practical 9 hours
Assignment 9 hours
Independent Research 18 hours
Pre-requisite: None
vii. Course Content:
Concepts in extension programme planning. Framework for developing an extension programme. Stages in extension programme development: situation analysis, problem analysis, plan of action, implementation and evaluation. Methods and techniques of situation analysis. Problem analysis. Developing an extension programme. Development of plans of action. Review of extension programme implementation. Monitoring extension programmes. Elements of evaluation. Types of evaluation. Techniques for conducting evaluation including participatory. Steps in extension programme evaluation: selecting criteria, collecting information, making judgement. Logical Frame Matrix approach to extension evaluation. Assessing impact of extension programmes.
Practical: Case studies will be used to develop practical skills. These will be complimented, where necessary and where financial resources allow, with field trips to relevant sites. Alternatively, candidates will be involved in analysing selected case studies of selected problems/issues and demonstrate level of articulation and proficiency through their participation in seminar presentations.
viii. Teaching and Learning Activities
Teaching will involve lectures, practical, group assignments and seminar presentations, individual assignments to capture self- reading. Use of case studies in teaching for some practical aspects will be employed.
ix. Assessment Methods
The assessments will be through continuous assessments were written timed tests (theory and practical), quizzes, seminar presentation, practical reports, and submission of individual/group assignment papers will be used. The assessment will also include final University written examination.
x. Reading List:
Devi Shakuntala (2006). Planning and Rural Development. Sarup&Sons: India
Burger, P.J. and Duvel, G.H, (1981). An operational model for Programmed Agricultural Development. In: Crouch, B.R and Chamala, S. Extension Education and Rural Development. John Wiley and Sons: New York.
Weide, A; Beulens, A.and Dijl, S. (2003). Project Planning and Management. Netherlands: Lemma Publishers.
Duvel, G.H. (1991). Towards a model for the promotion of complex innovations through programmed extension. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension.
European Commission (2004). Aid Delivery Methods. Project Cycle Management Guidelines. Volume 1.
South Research (2003). General Introduction to Project Cycle Management.