Individual Online Articles of Volume 2 Issue 1 of TAJOCODE
The individual online article can be accessed by clicking the title of the article:
Editorial by Rasel Madaha and Regina Malima (Chief Editors) pg iii
Towards Food Security in Semi-Arid Regions: The Role of Small-Scale Food Processing Industries in Dodoma City, Tanzania by Deodata V. Mtenga and Asha S. Ripanda pg 1
Households’ Socio-demographic, Health-related Characteristics and Progress towards Attainment of Universal Health Coverage in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania by Kanti Ambrose Kimario, Mikidadi Idd Muhanga and Kim Abel Kayunze pg 15
Designing Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in Zimbabwe: Perceptions of Mhondoro-Ngezi Rural Communities by Farai Ngwaru pg 34
A Comparative Analysis of Levels of Vulnerability of Livelihood Assets to Gas Extraction Operations: Evidence from Mtwara Rural District, Tanzania by Beston M. Musoma, Suzana S. Nyanda, Mikidadi I. Muhanga and Fatihiya A. Massawe pg 48
Perception and Attitude of Community Members on Psychotic Disorders in Temeke District, Tanzania by Diyammi Mark Paul (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer pg 68
Income Linkage as an Aspect Of Power Relations Among Chain Actors In The Groundnuts Seed Value Chain In Kongwa And Kiteto Districts, Tanzania by Gibson G.Mulokozi; Goodluck D. Massawe, and James Mwololo pg 86