Horticulture unit under the Department of Model Training farm, College of Agriculture at Sokoine University of Agriculture, has about 14 hectare divided into parts such as vegetable production area, fruits seedlings production area and an orchard of different fruits. For vegetable production area there are various vegitables including broccoli, cabbage, egg plant, cauliflower and red cabbages.
The red cabbage (purple-leaved varieties of Brassica oleraceae var Capitata ) is a kind of cabbage, also known as Blaukraut. Its leaves are colored dark red/purple. However, the plant changes its color according to the Ph value of the soil due to a pigment belonging to anthocyanis. In acidic soils, the leaves grow more reddish; in neutral soils, they will grow more purple, while an alkaline soil will produce rather greenish-yellow colored cabbages.
Red cabbage at horticulture unit
Management practices such as weeding, pesticide and insecticide application and fertilizer application in red cabbage plots are carried out by students during their practical sessions for the aim of building their knowledge and skills.
Here are first year students from bachelor of science in Horticulture given instruction by the instructor after irrigating red cabbage blocks.
Model Farm would like to welcome the general public and private sector at Horticulture unit so as to learn various knowledge pertainging red cabbage production and other agricultural matters at large, We also have grafted seedlings of different fruitsso you may press your order and we ready to deal with it.
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