BSc. Horticulture Students Enhance Skills and College of Agriculture Beauty

Horticultural experts from the Model Training Farm are dedicated to ensuring students learn through hands-on experience, gaining market-demanded skills like “Lawn Establishment”. A practical example is the “Lawn Establishment Exercise” conducted by third-year BSc. Horticulture students as part of their “Landscape Management” course. These students acquire practical skills in establishing lawns using various planting materials such as sod, sprigs, and seeds.To demonstrate their skills, BSc. Horticulture students successfully established a beautiful lawn around the College of Agriculture office.Lawn establishment is important for covering bare soil, enhancing beautification and aesthetic gratification, providing relaxation, maintaining greenery, attracting visitors, and generating income for recreational areas. It can be implemented around offices, homes, and various parks. Individuals, companies, and government or private institutions can consult the Horticultural Experts from the Model Training Farm, SUA, for professional lawn establishment services.

For inquiries and/or consultations, please contact:

Section Manager: 

Name: Roman Mfinanga


Mobile phone: +255784684130



Name: Bruno Mang’era Venance


Mobile phone: +255743677370


For official communication, please contact: 

Head of Department, Model Training Farm,

Sokoine University of Agriculture,

P.O. Box 3001, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro,

Mobile phone: +255753937587



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