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Prof. Ernest Melkiory Marwa is a Mineral Exploration Geologist and a Professional Geotechnical Engineer registered by the Engineers’ Registration Board of Tanzania with vast experience in mineral exploration, tunnel excavation and stabilization, soil mineralogy, teaching and research. Currently Prof. Marwa serves as a Treasurer for the Soil Science Society of East Africa in Tanzania and is the Acting Chair for the Board of Director of the Tanzania Fertilizer Regulatory Authority. Prof. Marwa has over 16 years of work experience in mineral exploration, 7 years experience in geotechnical works under the Norplan Consulting Company of Norway and over 16 years in teaching and research at the University. Prof. Marwa has written and published various papers in peer reviewed journals, conference proceedings, chapter in a book, and extension brochures.
Qualification obtained Year School/University
PhD (Plant & Soil Science) 2009 University of Aberdeen, The United Kingdom
MSc (Eng. Geology) 1992 ITC-University of Delft, The Netherlands
PG Diploma (Eng. Geology) 1988 ITC-University of Delft, The Netherlands
BSc (Geology) (Hons) 1983 University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
A-level Secondary Certificate 1978 Kibaha Secondary School, Tanzania
O-Level Secondary Certificate 1976 Chidya Secondary School, Tanzania
Primary School Certificate 1972 Majimaji Primary School, Nachingwea, Tanzania
Member and Treasurer: Soil Science Society of East Africa (SSSEA)-Tanzania Chapter
Member of the Tanzania Geological Society (TGS)
Member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Position Dates
Associate Professor 2015 to present
Senior lecturer 2011 – 2015
Lecturer 2005 – 2011
Assistant Lecturer 2002 – 2005
Position Date Institution/Company
Exploration Geologist 2000-2001 El-Hillal Minerals Ltd, Shinyanga, Tanzania.
Site Engineering 1995-2000 The Lower Kihansi Hydropower Project in Tanzania under the
Geologist NORPLAN Consulting Company of Norway
Engineering Geologist 1991-1994 Eastern and Southern Mineral Resources Development
Centre (ESAMRDC) in Dodoma, Tanzania.
Assistant to Senior 1983-1991 Geological Survey of Tanzania. Ministry of Energy and Minerals,
Geologist Dodoma, Tanzania
Teaching experience of both undergraduate and postgraduate students at Sokoine University of Agriculture from 2002 to present. Courses taught: Introductory Geology and Soil Formation, Environmental Geomorphology, Global Climate Change and Disaster Management and Soil Mineralogy.
Experience in gold and diamond exploration in Tanzania from 1983-1991 and 2000-2001 under the Geological Survey of Tanzania and El-Hillal Minerals Ltd, respectively.
Laboratory experience in rock and soil mechanics from 1991-1994 under the Eastern and Southern African Mineral Resources Development Centre (ESAMRDC).
Geotechnical experience in planning and supervision of tunnel excavation and stabilization as well as road construction from 1995-2000 under the Norplan Consulting Company of Norway at the Lower Kihansi Hydropower Project in Tanzania.
Current research interests are on mineral exploration, soil mineralogy and use of organic inputs to improve soil productivity for smallholder farmers.
Co-Project Leader from 1/1/2018-31/12/2020. Nitrogen bio-fortified and pelletized commercial grade organic fertilizer made from urban biowaste to improve soil productivity and livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Project No: BA/C1/2017-05_SUA Sponsored by BioInnovate Africa through ICIPE at a cost of US$ 88,278.
Team Member from 2015-2017. Mineral Resources Potential and Small Scale Mining in Nachingwea Area and a General Nationwide Geochemical Map of Tanzania. Research sponsored by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Team Member from 2013-2015. Analysis of stakeholders and formulation of innovation platform for optimizing production and utilization of lesser-known and lesser-utilized indigenous agro-forestry timber species in Kilosa District. Project sponsored by NORAD under EPINAV project at SUA
Principal Investigator (PI) from 1/10/2011-30/9/2013. Effect of uranium contamination in selected Tanzanian agricultural soils and its transfer in food chains. Sponsored by RUFORUM at a cost of US$ 49,019.25.
PhD Research
Sylvere N. Sirikare (2015): Optimization of liming rate and farm yard manure for improving maize, bean and potato yields in acidic soils of Southern Rwanda. PhD dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture. Co-supervised with Prof. E. Semu
MSc Researches
Paul, I.K.M. (2017-2019): Evaluation of nitrogen fortified urban bio-waste as organic fertilizer for small scale maize and rice production at Dakawa in Morogoro region. Co-supervised with Prof. J. Msaky
Hatibu, A. A. (2018): Assessment of agronomic potential of selected bat guano from Tanzania as soil amendment and source of nutrients for rice production. Writing MSc dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture. Co-supervised with Dr. M.Shitindi
Lwiza, L. M. (2016): Assessment of nitrate levels in soils and water for agriculture and human utilization in Singida Urban District. MSc dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture. Co-supvised with Dr. A.Kaaya
Kaishwa, S. (2016): Assessment of uranium level in water sources and soils and its uptake by sorghum and sunflower in Singida Urban District, Tanzania. MSc. Dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture. Co-supervised with Prof. J. Msaky
Andrew, T. (2016): Characterization of Sukumawera and Kisarawe bat guano from Tanzania as soil amendment and source of plant nutrients. MSc dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture. Co-supervised with Prof. J. Msaky
Andrea, P. (2015): Characterization of selected gypsum rocks from Tanzania as additive to sulphur deficient soils. MSc dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture. Co-supervised with Dr. A. Kaaya
Mwanga, E. W. (2014): Stabilization of silt clay soil using molasses for small dam embankment construction as inner zone. MSc dissertation.University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Makoti, C. A. (2014): Assessment of uranium levels in selected soils and its uptake by rice, maize and millet in Bahi District, Tanzania. MSc. Dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture. Co-supervised with Dr. A. Kaaya
Mziray, Z. J. (2014): Uranium uptake by selected food groups and the associated health effects to the residents of Bahi District in Tanzania. MSc. Dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture. Co-supervised by Prof. B. Chove
MSc dissertations examined as External Examiner
Edista Alex Abdallah (2018).The Late Pleistocene Terraces in Coastal Basin of Pangani and their Implications on Sea Level Variations. University of Dar es Salaam
Nkosilathi Bernard (2017). Quantification of Nitrogen Fixation of Various Herbaceous Legumes, Isolation and Authentification of the Associated Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria. University of Botswana.
Marang Mosupiemang (2017). Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Planting Density on the Growth and Yield of Intercropped Sorghum and Cowpea under Rainfed Conditions. University of Botswana.
Lambani Charles Obuseng (2015). Quantitative Assessment and Transfers of Potentially Toxic Metals in Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture (UPA) Land Use System in Botswana. University of Botswana.
Journal Articles and Chapter in Books
Primitiva, A. M., Marwa, E. M. M. and Kaaya, A.K. (2018). Characterization of selected gypsites of Tanzania for agricultural use. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 23(4): 1-9
Kaishwa, S.J., Marwa, E.M., Msaky and Mwakalasya, W.N. (2018): Uranium natural levels in soil, rock and water: assessment of the quality of drinking water in Singida Urban District, Tanzania. Journal of Water and Health, 16.4:542-548.
Sirikare, N.S., Naramabuye, F.X., Marwa, E.M. and Semu, E. (2015): Liming and sulfur amendments improve growth and yields of maize in Rubona Ultisol and Nyamifumba Oxisol. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil &Plant Science, 65(8: 713-722
Sirikare, N.S., Naramabuye, F.X., Marwa, E.M. and Semu, E. (2015): Proton consumption capacity, ash alkalinity and chemical characterization of travertine from different sources in Rwanda. African Journal of Agriculture, 2 (1):070-075
Marwa, E.M.M., Mziray, Z.J., Chove, B.E. and Kaaya, A.K. (2014). Uranium contamination in drinking water and foodstuffs in Bahi District, Central Tanzania. Journal of Continuing Education and Extension, 5(2):625-640.
Meharg, A.A., Williams, P.N., Deacon, C.M., Norton, G.J., Hossain, M., Louhing, D., Marwa, E., Lawgalwi, Y., Mark, T., Claudio, C. and Haris, P. (2014): Urinary excretion of arsenic following rice consumption. Environment Pollution, 194:181-187.
Marwa, E.M.M. (2014): Confusion in the literature of vermiculite. In: Wesley, L. R. (Ed.). Clays and Clay Minerals: Geological Origin, Mechanical Properties and Industrial Applications. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-63117-780-4. pp. 435-445
Hillier, S., Marwa, E.M.M. and Rice, C.M. (2013): On the mechanism of exfoliation of ‘Vermiculite’. Clay Minerals, 48:563-582.
Marwa, E. M.M., Meharg, A. A., and Rice, C.M. (2012): Effect of heating vermiculites on extractability of phosphorus and some essential plant micronutrients. Clay Minerals, 47:365-371.
Marwa, E. M.M., Meharg, A. A., and Rice, C.M. (2012): Risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in agricultural soils and maize tissues from selected districts in Tanzania. Science of the Total Environment, 416:180-186.
Marwa, E. M. M., Meharg, A. A., and Rice, C. M. (2011): Accessory minerals and potentially toxic elements in Tanzanian vermiculites with respect to agricultural applications. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42 (10): 1123-1142.
Marwa, E. M.M., Meharg, A.A., and Rice, C.M. (2009): The effect of heating temperature on the properties of vermiculites from Tanzania with respect to potential agronomic applications. Applied Clay Science, 43: 376-383.
Marwa, E. M.M., Hillier, S., Rice, C.M and Meharg, A.A. (2009): Mineralogical and chemical characterization of some vermiculites from the Mozambique Belt of Tanzania for agricultural use. Clay Minerals, 44:1-17.
Technical Reports and Extension Materials
Birgitta Backman, Merja Janhila, Abel Kaaya, Tuomo Karinen, Kristian Lindqvist, , Ernest Marwa, Matti Partanen and Yusto J. Shine (2017). Geochemical Soil Atlas of Tanzania. Geological Survey of Tanzania, Dodoma. ISBN 978-9987-765-17-1
Yusto J. Shine, Birgitta Backman, Ernest Marwa, Matti Partanen and Kristian Lindqvist (2016). Geochemical Soil Study in Nachingwea Area – A Pilot Study for the Nationwide Geochemical Map Using NAFORMA Soil Samples. Geological Survey of Tanzania, Dodoma. ISBN 978-9987-477-94-4. 33pp.
Ernest M. M. Marwa, Bernard Chove and Abel Kaaya (2014). Research brochure on the effect of uranium contamination in selected agricultural soils and its transfer in food chains in Bahi District, Central Tanzania. Sokoine University of Agriculture. 6pp.
Marwa, E.M.M. and Msuya-Bengesi, C. (2013). Analysis of stakeholders and formulation of innovation platform for optimizing production and utilization of lesser-known and lesser-utilized indigenous agro-forestry timber species in Kilosa District. A research report submitted to the Farmers Empowerment Committee of the Enhancing Pro-poor Innovation in Natural Resources and Agricultural Value Chains (EPINAV) Programme at SUA.
Ali, S.V., Kayogoma, E. and Marwa, E.M.M. (1989): Rock mechanics investigations at Buck Reef Gold Mines. Technical report no. ESAMRDC/89/Tech/59, Dodoma, Tanzania. 30pp.
Kayogoma, E., Marwa, E.M.M. and Ali, S.V. (1989): Instrumentation and strata control measures in underground mines. Bulletin no. ESAMRDC/89/Tech/57, Dodoma, Tanzania. 35pp.
Marwa, E.M.M, Ali, S.V and Kayogoma, E. (1989): Slope stability in opencast mines. Bulletin no. ESAMRDC/89/Tech/60, Dodoma, Tanzania. 25pp.